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Essence of Chicken

  • Buy 2 save 20% E.C. with Ginseng, Cordyceps & Ginkgo Biloba
Essence of Chicken with Ginseng, Cordyceps & Ginkgo Biloba (Gift Box)
Box (70g x 6) S$18.80
  • Buy 2 save 20% E.C.W American Ginseng
Essence of Chicken with America Ginseng & Cordyceps (Gift Box)
Box (70g x 6) S$18.80

Herbal Soup & Tea

  • Sale
Du Zhong Bu Yao Tang
Box S$5.00
  • Sale
Si Quan Tang
Box S$7.00
  • Buy 2 free 1 Liu Wei Tang
Liu Wei Tang
Box S$5.00
  • Buy 2 free 1 Si Shen Tang
Si Shen Tang
Box S$3.50

Medicated Oil & Balm

  • Sale
Stabilized Aloe Vera Gel
Tube (120ml) S$20.00
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